Lemon has been extensively used in most households for its versatile taste, texture and potent health benefits as they are loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants and essential nutrients.
But there are certain foods you should avoid pairing with lemon as they may trigger digestive issues and ruin the taste and texture of delicacies.
Here’s a list of foods that you should avoid pairing with lemons.
1. Milk and dairy products
Lemon has citric acid, which when paired directly with milk or other dairy products may react and lead to curdling and spoil the texture. Apart from that, consuming the two can trigger acidic reactions and cause severe heartburn and acidity.
2. Highly spicy foods
Lemon is acidic in nature, which can intensify the heat of spicy foods. Avoid adding lemon to extremely spicy dishes as it may make them even spicier and tangy, which makes the food less enjoyable.
3. Red Wine
The acidic nature of lemon can often interfere with the flavour and taste of red wine and red wine based sauces, concoctions and marinades and ruin the experience.
4. Seafoods
While lemon is often used with seafood, it’s not a universal pairing. Avoid pairing lemon with milder fish varieties like sole or flounder, as it can overpower their delicate flavours. Opt for more subtle citrus flavours like lime or orange for such dishes.
5. Sweet fruits
Lemon has a tangy taste and texture, which can overpower the natural sweetness of fruits like melons and very ripe strawberries. If you are combining lemon with fruits, consider the balance of flavours and then use it with a dash of honey to enhance the taste.
6. Buttermilk and yogurt
Similar to milk, lemon juice can cause buttermilk and yogurt to curdle. If you want to combine these ingredients, it’s better to do so gradually and with proper tempering.
7. Alkaline vegetables
Lemon juice is acidic, and when combined with alkaline vegetables like spinach, it can cause the vegetables to turn a darker colour and lose their vibrant green appearance. To avoid this, add lemon juice to such vegetables just before serving.
8. Aromatic spices
Lemon has a strong citrus flavour can sometimes clash with certain strongly aromatic spices, such as cloves or cardamom. When using lemon in dishes that include such spices, use it wisely to avoid overpowering the dish.