Credit Card Revealer can verify and generate credit card numbers and relevant information.
Credit Card Revealer is a program designed to provide you information about a particular credit card number, and it can generate ancillary information based on that number as well. The app is free to download and use, and it supports both credit cards and debit cards. It features three main modes—check, verify and generate—and you can quickly and easily swipe between these modes.
The Credit Card Revealer app doesn’t support every credit and debit card in existence. All of the major backend providers—like Visa and MasterCard—are supported, but there are thousands of cards throughout the world from various banks and other financial institutions. If you need to know if a particular card is supported, the app has a handy list that’s built right into the interface.
If you have a complete credit/debit card number, then you can check it to ensure that the number is valid and which provider, such as Discover or American Express, that it’s associated with. If the number is short, it can tell you how many missing digits there are, and if the number has the wrong format, then the app may be able to tell you where the mistake likely are.
Verify takes the check a step further. With a correct whole number, or even a partial in some cases, the app can give you a lot of information about the card. These details include the bank name, the country in which the card was issued, the bank issuer number and so forth.
Perhaps the most powerful feature that Credit Card Revealer provides is the ability to generate numbers. It can generate a list of numbers based on a whole number that you provide. It can also use a partial as a seed and generate a list of numbers that match that partial.
Credit Card Revealer also has a number of integrated tools. A virtual keyboard, for instance, works seamlessly within the app and is more convenient than, for instance, using your smartphone virtual keyboard. The app also has built-in instructions and help, and these are surprisingly more verbose and helpful than you might expect from such an app.
There are some issues with the app. It’s seemingly no longer supported by the developer. The app is stable, but the further it gets from its last update, the less effective it becomes. Without a future update, it will become obsolete at some point. In addition, this app requests quite a bit of access and perhaps more so than many users will be comfortable giving this kind of app.
- Supports credit and debit cards
- Scroll between multiple views
- No longer updated
v 1.1
1. Scrolling between different views has been optimised
2. ‘undefined’ in card information has been removed.
3. Card type picture has been added in card information.
4. Number of card number generated displayed in Generated card section.
App Details
- Category: Education & Languages
- License: Free
- Version: 1.1
- Size: 7 MB
- Platform: Android
- Language: English
- Content Rating: Everyone
- Package Name: com.stb.cch
- Developer: Sourja, Mumbai