SI Full-Form is Sub-inspector in Police. A sub-inspector is a police officer who ranks below an inspector and above an assistant sub-inspector of police (ASI).
SI Full Form
Sub-inspector is the full form of the abbreviation, SI, in the police. A sub-inspector is a police officer who ranks below an inspector and above an assistant sub-inspector of police (ASI). The first investigating officer is usually an SI. He is usually in charge of a small number of police officers. SI i.e. Sub-inspector’s service gets respect along with good salary.
SI Full Form in Hindi
एक उप-निरीक्षक एक पुलिस अधिकारी होता है जो एक निरीक्षक से नीचे और एक सहायक पुलिस उप-निरीक्षक (एएसआई) से ऊपर रैंक करता है। पहला जांच अधिकारी आमतौर पर एक एसआई होता है। वह आमतौर पर कम संख्या में पुलिस अधिकारियों का प्रभारी होता है।
SI Full Form & Eligibility Criteria
We all have had heard of the famous saying, “Where there is a will, there is a way!” Just like that, the path to becoming an SI can be made very easy. However, it is very important to fulfil some criteria.
Following are the points for eligibility:
Minimal Education Qualification
To become an SI, one should be a graduate in any subject. This means graduates can apply.
Age limit
The age limit for this varies according to the states. Mostly, it is 18 to 28 years and age relaxation is also available on the basis of some categories.
Physical requirements
To become an SI, one’s height should be 5 feet 6 inches. The measurement of their chest should be 80 to 84 feet. These requirements are different for women.
Other qualifications to become an SI
One has to pass the physical efficiency test. In the physical efficiency test, 16 meters run, along with 20 pushups in 6:30 minutes should be done. However, it can also vary according to the training.
After this, the qualified candidates have to taker the written examination. After the written examination, they are selected for the interview. After which, the document is verified. If one has been successful in all these, then they are invited for training in the State Police Academy.
SI and ASI Full form in police
The full form of the abbreviation, ASI, stands for an Assistant Sub-inspector. An Assistant Sub-inspector(ASI) is a non-gazetted police official. An ASI’s rank insignia is a single star with a red and blue striped ribbon at the shoulder straps’ outer edge. He or she could work as an investigator.
An Assistant Sub-inspector(ASI) ranks above a police head constable but below a Sub-inspector in India’s police forces.
SI and PSI Full form in police
PSI, the abbreviation, stands for Police Sub Inspector in full. It is a police rank introduced by the British in India and other South Asian countries. The PSI is in charge of a police station or various commanding outposts, or he aids his superiors in the investigation of any crime. He is in charge of lower-ranking officers such as constables, head constables, and so on.
SI Selection Process
To become an SI, one must keep a keen eye whenever a vacancy comes out in the state, where the individual resides. One can get to know of its vacancy through the website of the police department of that state or on the official website related to the job of the state. If one keeps opening the police website of that particular state, they will get information about when the vacancy is released and by visiting there they can apply by filling the online form.
Then after that, to check the exam fee, one has to check their category and accordingly, they will get to know the candidate’s charge. After paying there, one can apply for it.
After the application, the candidate will be sent an admit card or will be invited for the physical test or written test. Only after clearing all these they can go for training and become a Sub-inspector.
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SI Full Form in Police- FAQs
What is the full form of SI?
In the police, Sub-inspector is the full form of the abbreviation, SI.
How much salary is given to an SI?
The pay scale of an SI ranges from Rs.35,400 to Rs. 1,12,400.
What is the full form of ASI and PSI?
In the police, the full form of the abbreviation, ASI, stands for an Assistant Sub-inspector. And in the police, PSI, the abbreviation, stands for Police Sub Inspector in full.
Can an SI be an IPS officer?
Even after promotion, an SI cannot become an IPS officer. A SI can advance to the position of deputy SP at the most.
Who can be an SI?
To be an SI, one must be a graduate. Apart from that, they should be coming between the age range decided by the state for the same. Also, physical qualities and abilities are also needed for it.