City of Tshwane has admonished residents and businesses in a communique to remind them to save water as spring season approaches.
The City said this period is known for its increase in water consumption which strains the water supply system.
“Water conservation means using our limited water supply wisely and utilising every effort to conserve it,” it said.
“While the supply may seem abundant at face value, reality is that water is not a limitless resource. It is therefore incumbent upon every resident of the city to be water-conscious to ensure that we keep our reservoirs at acceptable water levels.
“Rand Water will restrict the bulk water supply to Tshwane the moment the city exceeds the allowed quota, as per the city’s licence agreement with the entity.
“If residents do not reduce consumption levels, the city will implement further and more stringent restrictions across the whole distribution network.”
Residents are urged to get used to these following water conservation measures:
no watering gardens with hosepipes or sprinkler systems between 6am and 6pm;
no washing of vehicles with hosepipes;
no filling of swimming pools;
use greywater to water gardens and flush toilets;
install a low-flow shower head and tap aerators where possible;
use a dual-flush toilet cistern;
try to plant indigenous or drought-resistant shrubs in the garden; and
use a broom instead of a hosepipe when cleaning driveways or patios.