A woman has allegedly faced calls to be executed after going out without a hijab in Saudi Arabia. The woman, who has been identified as Malak Al Shehri, reportedly shared a photograph of herself without a hijab or abaya – a traditional body covering – on in the capital city of Riyadh.
Another Twitter user claimed she received abuse such as ‘Kill her and throw her body to the dogs’ and ‘We want blood’ after posting the picture.
The 21-year-old student shared screengrabs of three tweets, which all included the Arabic hashtag ‘We demand the imprisonment of the rebel Malak Al Shehri’, reported the International Business Times.
She told the publication: ‘So many people retweeted it and what she did reached extremists, so she got threats.
‘She deleted her tweets but they didn’t stop, so she deleted her account.’
One message of abuse reportedly read: ‘The least punishment for her is beheading her.’
Despite the threats, other social media users have been praising the woman for her bravery and expressed their support.