Months after the device has been officially launched, Blackberry Priv finally arrives in Nigeria at a fairly reasonable price. Late last year, we spotted the device on Jumia for almost ₦250,000. At the moment, it’s available on Slot for ₦220,000 and on Jumia, you can buy it at a lesser price. A current listing on Jumia has a price tag of ₦214,000.
Blackberry Priv is the first Android device by Blackberry and from the look of things, the company is fully going Android this year.
There are reports of the company planning to launch even more Android devices and we spotted onealready code-named Blackberry Vienna.
Blackberry Priv’s main selling point is privacy, hence the name, Priv. It comes shipped with Android Lollipop but since Blackberry is known for timely software updates, we should expect the device to get a Marshmallow update and subsequently, maybe Android N.
Ever since the release of the phone, Blackberry stocks that was going down south started looking good. The last quarter report showed a much improved profit margin the company that was on the verge of losing it all begins to gain confidence.
The launch of Blackberry Priv has been a turning point for the company and according to a top executive in the company, there won’t be Blackberry 10 OS devices anymore as Blackberry is now putting its focus on producing more Android devices.
As mentioned earlier, a listing of the device on Jumia has a price tag of about ₦210,000. It has a 32GB internal storage, 3GB RAM and 18MP rear camera with optical image stabilization. It has a 5.4-inch AMOLED screen which is protected by Gorilla Glass 4. The device is powered by anocta-core processor, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 chipset. A good battery life is guaranteed with the 3410 mAh battery. Although the device has received quite a lot of positive reviews online, a lot of people are of the opinion that the device is way too expensive and it isn’t really worth the price.
Do you share the same opinion?