Jordan Belfort, also known as the “Wolf of Wall Street,” is a former stockbroker who gained notoriety for his extravagant lifestyle and fraudulent practices in the 1990s. Belfort’s rise to fame and fortune was chronicled in his memoir, which was later adapted into a hit film starring Leonardo DiCaprio. In this article, we will explore Jordan Belfort’s net worth, earnings, and properties, including his houses and cars, as well as his biography.
Jordan Belfort Biography
Jordan Belfort was born in New York City on July 9, 1962. He grew up in Queens and later moved to Long Island with his family. After graduating from American University with a degree in biology, Belfort began his career as a stockbroker at L.F. Rothschild.
Belfort quickly gained a reputation as a charismatic salesman and was soon recruited by Stratton Oakmont, a Long Island brokerage firm. At Stratton Oakmont, Belfort and his colleagues used high-pressure sales tactics to sell penny stocks to unsuspecting investors, resulting in massive profits for the firm and its employees.
However, Belfort’s fraudulent practices eventually caught up with him, and he was arrested and convicted of securities fraud and money laundering in 1999. He spent 22 months in prison and was ordered to pay restitution to his victims.
Jordan Belfort Net Worth
Despite his legal troubles, Jordan Belfort has managed to amass a significant fortune throughout his career. As of 2023, Belfort’s net worth is estimated to be around $100 million.
Jordan Belfort Earnings
Belfort’s earnings came primarily from his time at Stratton Oakmont, where he made millions of dollars selling penny stocks. He also made money through speaking engagements and book sales following the release of his memoir.
Jordan Belfort Properties, Houses
Jordan Belfort has owned several properties throughout his career, including a 5,000 square-foot mansion in Long Island and a 7,000 square-foot oceanfront estate in California. Belfort also owns a luxury apartment in Manhattan and a 10,000 square-foot home in Australia.
Jordan Belfort Cars
Belfort is known for his love of luxury cars and has owned several high-end vehicles throughout his career. Some of his notable cars include a Ferrari Testarossa, a Lamborghini Countach, and a Rolls Royce.
Q: What is Jordan Belfort’s net worth?
A: Jordan Belfort’s net worth is estimated to be around $100 million.
Q: How did Jordan Belfort make his money?
A: Jordan Belfort made his money primarily through selling penny stocks at Stratton Oakmont, as well as through speaking engagements and book sales.
Q: What properties does Jordan Belfort own?
A: Jordan Belfort owns several properties, including a mansion in Long Island, an oceanfront estate in California, a luxury apartment in Manhattan, and a home in Australia.
Q: What cars has Jordan Belfort owned?
A: Jordan Belfort has owned several luxury cars, including a Ferrari Testarossa, a Lamborghini Countach, and a Rolls Royce.