According to a private legal practitioner, Bernard Owiredu Donkor, Akuapem Poloo could be facing up to 3 years in prison.
The lawyer explains Poloo’s offence is classified as misdemeanor and that if her lawyers are able to build a strong case, her sentence could reduce. He said this whiles speaking to Citi FM.
“The offence she was charged with is a misdemeanour, and with a misdemeanour, you could be fined, you could be cautioned, and you could go a for a custodial sentence.
But when a judge directs that you take a pregnancy test as they do for female convicts, it means that we are in for a custodial sentence because the idea is that you don’t put a pregnant woman in jail.
Counsel is supposed to make a submission on behalf of the convict which we call a plea of litigation for the court to avert its mind to certain circumstances of the convicted person…
If the judge finds that the plea for mitigation is something that she could consider, it could come in to mitigate the sentence.
For misdemeanours, it is between caution and a maximum of 3 years. Looking at the circumstances we have right now, I wouldn’t be surprised if she is given a custodial sentence, and it could be one day to three years,” the lawyer said.
To newcomers on the site who might have the interest to know the genesis of the Akuapem Poloo story, you have here the background information. Read;
On June 30, 2020, Rosemond Brown aka Akuapem Poloo celebrated her son’s seventh birthday and took her nude pictures together with her son, who was also half-naked and posted the same on her Instagram page, which went viral on social media.
The pictures attracted comments which accused her of undermining the dignity of her seven-year-old son among others
Mr Bright K. Appiah, who is the Director of Child Rights International Ghana, petitioned the Director-General of CID, and the matter was referred to the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU).
Rosemond, the prosecution said, was arrested and in her caution statement, admitted posting the nude picture with her son unintentionally.
The prosecution held that Rosemond deliberately posted the pictures on social media.
She was convicted by the Accra Circuit Court on Wednesday 14th April 2021 after she pleaded guilty in court for posting indecent photos of herself and her seven-year-old son on social media.
The court subsequently ordered her to undergo a pregnancy test and suspended her sentencing to Friday, April 16, 2021.